基板を作るのってけっこう面倒ですね。フォトレジストを使っていましたが、塗るのも感光の調整も難しい。何より材料費が高いです。ネットで基板の作り方をあさっていたら、レーザープリンタで普通紙に印刷したトナーを熱転写してレジストにするという方法を発見しました。このサイトです。じつは Press-n-Peel というトナー転写専用の製品があります。でもこれオーストラリアでも売ってるんですが、A4一枚がA$7位で結構高いです。アメリカから通販で大量に買えばずっと安くなりますが。


Making PC boards is a cumbersome business. I used to use spray photo-resist, but it is not easy at all. Also photo-resist itself is quite expensive. I surfed around the web looking for alternatives. I found “Press-n-Peel”. It seems quite nice and sold in Australia by Jayker Electronics. However Australian price is unreasonably expensive A$7/letter-size sheet comparing to the price in US, US$1/sheet in bulk.

I looked around the web further and found a Japanese article about making the resist just from normal photo-copy paper.

I make a double-sided board. So I printed out both patterns by ink-jet printer, and made a photocopy on plain paper. The pattern images are aligned and stapled together on three edges. I inserted raw PCB between the photocopies, and then pressed this combination by an iron with temperature setting of cotton for one minute on both sides. Press hard the paper to the PCB at the edge of the iron repeatedly until toner patters are slightly visible.


Put it in water for few minute to soften the paper.


Wrap the PCB with wet rag and apply the iron to steam the paper. Repeat it twice.


Peel out the paper. However lot of lint will stay on the surface. Rub out the lint gently with water.


Anyway it is impossible to remove all lint. White parts seen are all lint remaining. Do not worry. This is not a problem. The etching agent will reach to the PCB surface though lint.


Put the PCB and small amout of etching agent into a plastic bag with zipper. Simply squeeze it to agitate the etching agent. Actually I found this method somewhere in the web, but I lost the address.


Etching finished. Margines are painted by resist pen to save etching agent. I tried just normal permanent maker in some parts. It worked quite well. That means we can use cheap permanent markers instead of expensive resist pens. The toner on the PCB can be removed by acetone.


Trim and drill the PCB and mount parts. This method is excellent. It is very quick and cheep. It took only about an hour from ironing the patterns to etching finished. I will use this in my future projects.



inserted by FC2 system