This is the steam tee that admits the steam to the cylinders. In ERIC the steam pipe pass through between fames. This time I rout the pipe through smoke tube from the cab to smoke box expecting some sort of super-heating. So the connection point of the tee and steam pipe will be in the smoke box.


Steam admits to valve chests from the tee via steam pipes, 3mm copper tube. The steam nut tighten the tube to the tee.

T型ジョイントからシリンダーへの給気は3mmの銅パイプ。”Steam Nut"とあるのはこのパイプをT型ジョイントに締め付けるためのもの。


"Exhaust Pipe"とあるのはシリンダーと排気用T型ジョイントを結ぶためのもの。 ERICにおけるこれの作り方はこちら参照。

ERIC is a gas fired loco and it is not necessary to have forced draft by exhaust. This time the loco is coal-fired and having a forced draft is essential. The exhaust pipe has to be extended. The exhaust nozzle will tighten the fire box to the frame. The nozzle will be squashed at the end to have strong draft.

Exhaust pipes will connect the tee to valve chests. See this page for the same parts of ERIC.


According to the changes the design of the smoke box saddle was changed considerably. Two through holes are provided for admission and exhaust and the diameters are smaller to keep air-tightness.
See this page for the same parts of ERIC.


This is the fixture to cut concave part of the saddle.


inserted by FC2 system