I cut outside recess on the wheels using roundnose tool, since I wanted some radius at the cut edges.

動輪表側の肉抜きをします。角に適当なRをつけたかったので、 先丸剣バイトを使用。

I rounded off the flanges with a file. I clamped a piece of steel rod to the tool post as a support.


Turned wheels. I made a mistake with the wheel with arrow. I reduced the diameter of the outside boss too much. However the wheels would be installed inside the frame and not so visible. So I would not mind this.


Step 8

Internal boss needs M3 tap to fix the wheel to the axle. The gauge can be changed between 32mm and 45mm. My layout is 45mm only and I can fix the gauge to 45mm. However there may be opportunities to run the loco in other 32mm layout and I made the gauge adjustable as same as the book.

The hole location was determined by edge finder and table dials.



The wheels were finished after tapping.



inserted by FC2 system