At this stage ERIC was ready to run. I ran her a couple of times. She ran very well. One thing I noticed was she was too quiet. So I decided to make a chuff pipe described in the textbook.


All parts of chuff pipe turned. Parts with blue arrows are the chuff pipes. Yellow arrowed is intermediate plug having 2mm hole in its centre.


All parts were assembled by silver soldering.


I cut a throat at upper end of the plug by a file.


Finished chuff pipe. The upper part is not fixed to allow replacement if it does not work well.

I tested it by connecting to a compressor. It sounds like this. Anyway it's a whistle basically.



Chuff pipe was installed in the smoke box.


The pipe is seen from the chimney.

The effect of the chuff pie is great. It generates nice blast sand. The steam oil was sprinkled about from the chimney before, but it is now diverted to the bottom of the smoke box keeping the loco much cleaner. Also steam from the chimney is much visible even in warm says.




inserted by FC2 system