

  • そこそこ大きな機械とする。(ネットとか本で調べるとできるだけ大きな機械を買ったほうがいいという意見が圧倒的。)
  • そんなに安くなくてもいいから品質のよさそうなものにする。(もともと品質の怪しい中国製。そのなかでも安すぎて品質に問題があるようなものは避ける。)
  • とは言いつつ各A$1,500以内であげたい。

I acquired a lathe and mill. You may easily guess what I start with these machines. I will start up another annex when the machines are ready to go.

Anyway I could not afford good ones like Myford etc. and ended up with Chinese ones. It is against my "China Free" policy, but it is impossible to keep the policy in this area. I looked around web sites and visited some machinery merchants and chose machines with following guide lines:

  • Choose reasonably large machines. (Overwhelming opinion on web sites and books I read is “Better to buy the biggest machines you can afford.”)
  • Choose good quality Chinese machines if they are not the cheapest. (I worry about the quality anything from China. So choosing the cheapest crap is out of my consideration.)
  • But I can afford only A$1,500 each.

Lathe (first candidate)

旋盤 (候補1)


About the lathe, I wanted at least swing over bed of 200mm and distance between centres of 450mm. I considered this SEIG C4 lathe at first. Very good size and functions with modern design. But I gave it up with following reasons:

  • Dearer than budget. Actually C4 was much more expensive than one class larger lathes.
  • I tried around the feeling of movement at a machinery merchant, but felt not so great.
  • According to this site, the rail tops of the bed are not hardened. What about the quality?

There was a much cheaper lathe with same size available with price of around A$1,000. But the reputations of the lathe were not impressive at all as far as checked on theweb.

旋盤に関しては振り200mmセンタ間450mm以上ということでまずこのSEIG C4を考えました。サイズもぴったりだし、機能的にはも非常によくできています。しかし、以下の理由でやめました。

  • 高い。一サイズ上のものよりずっと高い。予算オーバーだな。
  • 実際に工具屋で触ってみると刃物台とかの動きがあまり良くない。
  • このサイトによるとベッドのレール部分が硬化処理されてないみたいです。品質的にどうなんだろう?


Mill (first candidate)

フライス盤 (候補1)

SEIG Super X3

About the mill, I wanted not too small and not too large one with good rigidity. I considered this SEIG Super X3 mill as a candidate. This seems in good size and having good functions. However again I gave it up as following reasons:

  • Expensive. More than A$2,000. Over budget.
  • I tried some movements in a machinery merchant. The movements were not very smooth. Especially the feeling of Z axis seemed very rough.

フライス盤に関してはほどほどサイズで剛性の高そうなものということでまずこのSEIG Super X3 を考えました。サイズはちょっと大きめだけど、機能的には非常によくできています。しかし、以下の理由でやめました。

  • 高い。A$2,000以上。予算オーバー。
  • 実際に工具屋で触ってみるとテーブルとかの動きがあまり良くない。特にZ軸の動きは全くいただけない。


フライス盤もいいのがありました。大きさはちょっと小さめですが 上のSuper X3をそのまま小さくしたようなやつです。持ってる機能はSuper X3とほぼ同じではるかに安い。各部の動きもSuper X3よりずっといいです。

ということで、旋盤はTop-Tech 250X550、フライス盤は同じくBF20L Varioにすることにし、注文しました。しかし、フライス盤の在庫がなく入荷に1.5ヶ月かかるということでした。その後待てど暮らせど入荷せず、結局3ヶ月後に入荷しました。その間にA$はサブプライム危機のあおりで大暴落をはじめ、注文時の2/3位になってしまった。工具屋は注文時にUS$を買っておかなかったのでえらく損をしたとぼやいてましたが、まあとうぜんですが、私は注文時の値段で買えました。最近、件の工具屋に寄ってみると私の買った機械は値上げされてました。

When I was thinking of choosing of the machines I was told there was a small machinery merchant run by Chinese family. I had a look of them and tried their machines.

The brand name was “Top-Tech.” The movement of the tool holder of the lathe was very smooth. The best feeling I felt among the machine I tried in other machinery merchants. The design seemed bit old-fashioned, the structure seemed quite robust. They did not have the size just I wanted. If I choose from their line it would be 250X550 size. One size below was 210X350 and bit too small for future. Also I found a nice mill. This one is smaller than above Super X3, but had the almost the same functions as Super X3 and much cheaper. Movements were much better than Super X3. It might be bit smaller in future, but I had to make a compromise.

Finally I ordered Top-Tech 250X550 lathe and BF20L Vario Mill. However they did not have any stock of the mill and it would take 1.5 months delivered from China. I waited and waited, but the machine did not arrive until 3 months after the order. Meanwhile A$ crashed against US$ and lost 1/3 of its value. Anyway I could buy them with former price since I ordered 3 months ago. Recently I visited the merchant and found my machines price was increased.

Delivered machines to my garage and still in wooden boxes. Owner of the machinery merchant and his relative delivered machines on a trailer attached to a sedan.


Un-crated lathe. Its weight is 160Kg.


The mill is much smaller than lathe. It weights 105Kg. I will make benches for them. I want to have casters on the benches to move around them. So I can not use commercial benches.




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