“Jyouban Line” was the first place I took railway photos when I joined railway club in a senior high school in 1966. Jyouban Line joined Tokyo and Sendai along Pacific Ocean while Touhoku Main Line that ran inland parallel to Jyouban Line was the mainstay line from Tokyo to Sendai. I was just a beginner photographer and could not take any good photos then. Jyouban Line was quite popular among railway enthusiasts because limited express trains hauled by C62 class were only seen there in late 1960's.


フィルムも1966, 1967あたりはFujiとかKonikaとかを使っていたわけです。コントラストが低すぎるのと、銀塩の粒子の形がよくないのが嫌いで、その後Kodackに移行しました。1968年以降は最後まで、KodackのPlus XとTri Xを主に使っていました。現像はマクロドールXの4倍希釈現像が定番でしたね。

Limited express “Yuuzuru” (Evening Crane) hauled by C62 class.

JNR C62 Class


C61 class was not as popular as C62, but I thought it had better proportion comparing C62. See description of C61, and C62.

JNR C61 Class


C60 class was a Hudson modified from a Pacific C59 class to reduce the axle weight to suite to second class main lines. They seemed very similar to C61 class.

JNR C60 Class

平機関区の扇庫です。Roundhouse at Taira Engine Depot.

本線蒸汽がごろごろ平区には並んでいました。Taira Engine Depot.

平区での夜間撮影。フレアがひどいですね。このレンズはCanonのFL58mm f1.2ってやつです。レンズの明るさだけ求めた糞レンズです。まあ、今でいやあ、ピクセル数だけを求めた糞CCDみたいなものです。FL85mm f1.8を買ってからはほとんど使わなくなりました。58mmにくらべて85mmは、それはそれは、いいレンズでした。今まで使ったレンズの中では一番いいと思います。


Diesel limit express “Hatsukari.” Really I hated this diesel train's design. This dog face like head seemed very ugly for me. Still I can not understand why they made this sort of design.


inserted by FC2 system