
Shishi-ga-tani (Deer Valley) Light Rail started in January 2003 when I got a LGB starter kit as my birthday present. The first garden railway was built around a pond with shishi-odoshi (deer scarer). The railway was named after this. However the first railway was de-commissioned in a year or so, and I started building second one in larger area. Even the second one does not have any shishi-odoshi (deer scarer) around I kept the name.

Followings are the photo of first railway:

鹿ケ谷軽便軌道は2003年の1月にLGB のスターターキットを買ったことから始まりました。最初のレイアウトは花壇の中の小さな池の周りにほんのみじかい距離で開業しました。この池には自作の鹿脅しがあったので鹿ケ谷軽便軌道と命名。



Shishi-odoshi (Deer scarer)




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