
  • できるだけ大きく。のびのび走らせたい。
  • 勾配は基本的にゼロ。ライブ・スティームは本物と同じで勾配が苦手。
  • カーブはR1800とする。これだとほとんどの小型ライブ・スティームを走らせられる。
  • すべて高架とする。地面レベルのレイアウトでライブ・スティームを走らせるのはつらい。メンテが楽。
  • 走り優先。安定して走らせる事だけを重視し情景は無視。情景部分は既設レイアウトの担当とする。
  • レールはLBGクラブのクラブレールと枕木を使用する。クラブレールはLBG純正より少し大きく見た目はあまりよくないが値段と設置の容易さが魅力だ。全線ハンドスパイクするような根性は私にはない。
  • 線路の電装はしない。当鉄道在籍車両は半分以上バッテリー化されているのでライブ、バッテリー専用とする。既設の小さなレイアウトだけでもレール磨きは大変なので、この大型レイアウトのレール磨きは勘弁。既存の電動蒸機だけがレール集電だがバッテリーを積んだ車を繋げることでバッテリー化する。
  • カーブを美しく見せるため、緩和曲線を使用する。



It is not impossible to run live steams on existing layout, but it is not comfortable at all. The layout is too small and the curve radiuses are too sharp. So I decided to build new line for live steam. The concept of new line would be:

  • Make it as large as possible.
  • Level tracks all around. Live steams do not like steep grades.
  • Curve radius to be R1800. Most of small scale live steams can cope with it.
  • All tracks to be raised. Ground level tracks are not very comfortable to run live steams and hard to maintain.
  • Comfortable running has the highest priority. Sceneries would be ignored. Existing layout to keep nice sceneries.
  • Club rails and sleepers (from LGB Club) to be used concerning about the cost and easy installation.
  • Tracks are not electrified. I am sick of rail cleaning even on existing small layout. Anyway more than half of existing rolling stocks are battery operated. I may make a battery carriage for existing track powered locos.
  • Relaxation curves to be employed to make curves beautiful.

I draw a rough arrangement considering above matters. The tracks with green dimensions are planed new line. The layout is rather simple oval and does not look so attractive. Restrictions from my wife did no allow more complicated layout. However I feel just running live steams is fun enough and not necessarily to have complicated arrangement. New line would be connected to existing layout with bit steep tracks.

Total length would be 60m or so and I guess it would take one year or so to build it.


At first I acquired track materials. I ordered club rails (26 off 3.6m), sleepers (36 packs), and joiners (80off). I have 40m of second-hand rails obtained from my friend. So sleepers for these rails were included.

I picked up rails and sleepers at club secretary's home.


I wondered how to carry 3.6m long rails. I thought we had to cut the rails in halves. However the club secretary suggested they could be put in a car by bending in bow shape.

We could manage to load my Subaru Liberty station wagon without cutting rails.





My dog sending a questioning look to the rails.


36 packs of sleepers.


Rusted rails are second-hand ones. Shiny ones are new.


I found the profiles of the second-hand rails and club rails are quite different. The left is second-hand and the right is club rail. Foot of the second-hand rails is narrower than club rails and club sleepers can not hold them properly.

I decided to use second-hand ones to make points and tracks at steam up bay. I would use wood sleepers at steam up bay. Using plastic sleepers at steam up bay may not be so nice. Gas fired locos may backfire through a bottom hole of smoke box melting the plastic sleepers. Coal fired locos may spill hot ash.



inserted by FC2 system