I guessed the weight of the carriages would be 800g. That meant one spring would bear 100g. In real trucks the spring should sag on normal loading. However I made the springs would not sag on normal load, because of material restriction (0.5mm piano wire). I think if the springs absorb impacts and give some flexibility to the trucks it would be OK. I used spring design calculator found in the web (unfortunately Japanese only) to obtain the design figures for 60g/mm spring constant.
These are prototype springs I tried.


To measure the spring constant I made this jig.


The spring under measurement is inserted on the jig and pushed against a kitchen scale. The length of the jig was 9mm and free length of the spring was 12mm. It gave 60g/mm as calculated.


The way of making spring is the same as making of safety valve spring. I used 4.00mm mandrel. The saddle feeding gear should be disengaged. Turn the lathe spindle two turns not making gaps on the coil.


After this the half nut of the saddle should be engaged. However it may not engage straight away. Searching of the engaging location is necessary by turning the feed gears by hand. Also backlash of the gear train should be removed at this stage.


Engage the feeding gear.


Turn the spindle 8 times with 1.25mm pitch and disengage the half nut.


Turn further two turns without gap.


The spring would be finished after cleaning both ends.


The springs were checked with truck masters. .



inserted by FC2 system