I got cheep toggle switches (DTDP) with waterproof caps from e-Bay. I made switch brackets from t0.8 brass sheet. The pieces were bent by a sheet metal bender.


Bent bracket.


Necessary holes were drilled. I drilled Φ6 holes for switches with a step drill.


Switches were mounted. These are cheap Chinese staff (only A$7.57 for 5 with postage) and I wonder how long last.


Wiring was made. Arrowed ones are 100Ω-1W resistors to limit the current. The connection method is the same as reverse switch of track powered railway model. I installed connectors to make installation and maintenance easy.


I used thin electric wire on hand to connect the switches and servos. I made twisted pairs by twisting two wires together by an electric drill. One end was fixed on a vice and other end was turned by the electric drill with tension applied.


I used pin-headers servo side connection to make polarity change easier.


Temporary setup for test. 11.1V Lipo battery as connected to the switches via 5V voltage regulator. Obviously it worked fine.

とりあえずシステムを仮組み。11.1V Lipo電池と5V電圧変換器をつなぐ。当然ちゃんと動いた。

Voltage regulator is a BEC for R/C (US$3.57) having 3A capacity and short circuit protection. I made a mistake while testing and shorted the output, but no problems found.



inserted by FC2 system