Let's cast resin in the moulds. They say measure require amount of A and B parts in separate cups and pour them in another cup. However I make very small stuff and this method is not practical. I just measure B part at first and add directly A part in it. I have not had any problems with this. Mix it thoroughly with plastic rod.


Remove any bubble from the resin poured in the moulds by a plastic toothpick. Do this in a well-lighted area not to miss any bubbles.


In case of single-sided mould, push a piece of styrene sheet and wait for curing.


In case of double-sided moulds, pour the resin on both moulds and wait until the resin starts being not runny. The colour of overflown resin just starts changing the colour partially when they are mated means good timing. When you press together large pair of moulds, put a stiff plate between your hands and moulds to prevent mould deformation.


Overturn the cups with remaining resin on newspaper. Them the cup is easily removed from the resin stuck on the newspaper.


I remove the cured resin from the moulds after 1 or 2 hours while the resin is still soft. I feel removing the resin after completely cured damages the moulds.


In this sample I mixed resin liquids left in the droppers for 5 days. The resin has quite lot of bubbles generated. It may be caused by humidity sucked into the resin liquids. Never used leftover resins in droppers, discard them. Even if the many shots are done continuously, resin seems to suck humidity. Better to discard it every time.


The A part of the resin hardens out in the dropper. It is better to get new dropper if you have so much hardened resin inside. When I do not have any spare dropper I clean it up with a piece of wire. I recommend providing enough droppers.


I use small glass jars to hold droppers.



inserted by FC2 system