The brass side beams and dummy beams were connected by sounter-sunk screws.


But I used too long screws and they pushed out some resin! I drilled the parts raised and filled with styrene rod. I used M3 screws. However the thread in the resin damaged very easily so I changed them with M4. With M4 some thread still damaged. It can be fixed with micro-balloon and CA. CA is much harder than resin and lasts longer.

が、ネジが長すぎレジンを押し出してしまった。(;_:) 出っ張ったところを削って、3mmのスチロール棒で埋めなおしました。この止めネジはM3を使ったんですが、すぐにネジがバカになりM4に取り替えてあります。それでもバカになったのがありマイクロバルーンで埋めて、低粘度瞬接を流して固め下穴を開けてネジをねじ込んでいます。レジンより瞬接の方が硬いので、結構持つようです。

Copy the cut out shapes to brass beams.


I used a brass pipe in hand (ID 3.2mm, OD 4mm) as bearings, and added reinforcement from 1.5mm brass.


The bearing parts were soldered with a micro torch.


Most frame parts were finished except some detailing parts.


Axle boxes are like this. I am quite satisfied with their good 3D expression.


The frame was assembled with power truck.


Bottom view of the frame. End blocks and side beams are fixed with M2.6 tapping screw. This assembly weighs about 1.4Kg. Stainz weighs about 1.8Kg. So finished weight would be the same as Stainz.



inserted by FC2 system