Old lady passengers. Making heads rounder and noses smaller and adding extra clay on the cheeks give them more Japanese appearances.


We give hair to the lady on the left and a towel head cover to the lady on the right. Covering the hair by towel was quite common in old good days in Japan. The figures seem a bit funny without their hands. My wife made head and hair of the lady on the right.


To make the towel, I spread a blob of clay on a piece of paper sprinkled with baby powder. Make it as thin as possible and cut it in a shape of a towel.


I decided to add hands to them. I made hands only and baked them.


Cut down the arms a bit and made holes in them to insert hands. When I did this “Sculpey III” cracked quite lot, but “Premo” did not. “Premo” seems much stronger then “Sculpey III”. Hands are inserted to the holes with “Liquid Sculpey” as an adhesive.

袖を適当に切り詰めて、ピンバイスで穴を開け、Liquid Sculpeyを付けて差し込み、焼きます。穴を開けたときSculpey IIIはかなり派手に割れてしまいましたが、Premoは割れませんでした。Premoの方がかなり強いです。

Reshape the sleeves and the ladies are finished. They seem much better with their hands.



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