
  1. タミヤ・アクリル肌色をスプレイ
  2. 問題部分の修正
  3. タミヤ・アクリル肌色をスプレイ
  4. オーブン粘土用シール塗料を塗る(2回)
  5. ガッシュで基本色を塗る
  6. 髪の毛を油絵具で塗る
  7. 全体に油絵具のウォッシュ
  8. 全体に油絵具でドライブラシ
  9. 目を描く
  10. 艶消しオーバーコートで質感を整える

I start painting. I do not like it so much, but much better than clay forming. I think I could establish the painting procedure:

  1. Spray Tamiya acrylic flesh overall
  2. Rectify defects
  3. Spray Tamiya acrylic again
  4. Apply oven bake clay sealer twice
  5. Paint basic colours with gouache
  6. Paint hairs with oil paint
  7. Wash with diluted oil paint
  8. Dry brush with oil paint
  9. Draw eyes
  10. Overcoat with flat varnish

Step 1. Apply Tamiya acrylic to make surface problems visible.


By spraying Tamiya acrylic defects are visible.


Step 2. Rough surfaces were cleaned by sandpaper, etc. and gaps were filled by CA putty.

上記2.の状態。 荒れはサンドペーパーで均し、凹み割れ目は瞬間パテで埋める。

Rubber tip of a rotary tool was quite useful for this purpose.


Step 3. Tamiya acrylic was sprayed again for final check.

上記3.の状態。 再度タミヤ・アクリル肌色をスプレイ。問題がないか再確認。

Step 4. Clay sealer was applied twice. Oven bake clay may eat up styrene and oil paint. To prevent this, the sealer is necessary. After this, any rectification is not feasible.

上記4.の状態。 オーブン粘土用シール塗料を二回塗る。オーブン粘土はスチロール、油絵具を侵すので必要。これを塗るとヤスリでの修正はできなくなる。

Step 5. Flesh colour of gouache was applied and other colours were also applied.

上記5.の状態。 ガッシュで肌色を作り肌部分に塗る。他の部分も塗っていく。



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