I made seats the manual said to make at first. There were two types of materials. The brown ones were OK, but white ones had to be stained as the similar colour as brown ones. Red brown of Tamiya colour was quite similar to the colour of the brown board. I used diluted (about three times) Tamiya colour as stain. After staining the parts were scribed by a pencil to simulate joints.


The legs of the seats were metal parts and coloured in black. All seat parts before assembly.


The parts of back mating to the legs seemed very week. So I assembled them carefully. Legs were temporarily fixed to the back and inserted to the floor for alignment. Then they were fixed by CA.


Seating face was attached.


Assembled seats.


Handles of the seats were made form brass wire included in the kit. The brass wire seemed coated by varnish.


All seats were finished. They will be varnished. I used round priers to bend the handles.



inserted by FC2 system