I made a radio control mechanism. Stainz does not have enough room for batteries. So the power must be fed from track. Then poor power collection could be a problem. To cope with this I decided to install super capacitors. I connected three of 1F 5.5V capacitors in series to allow 15V supply voltage.
I worried about voltage imbalance among capacitors, but the voltage differences in series connection were negligible.
I connected the capacitors to the motor of Stainz and saw how long the motor ran after power off. It ran about a second or so from the top speed to stop.

ラジコン制御回路を作る事にします。Stainzにはバッテリーを積むような場所は無いので、レール給電のラジコンにせざるを得ませんが、問題は集電不良です。その対策として、電気二重層コンデンサをつける事にしました。1F 5.5Vのものを3個直列にして0.33F 16.5Vとします。各コンデンサ間の電圧ばらつきが心配でしたが、実際には無視できる範囲でした。どの位有効かはわかりませんが、 Stainzのモーターに並列につなぎ15Vで運転中に電源をきったところ、止まるまで1秒ほどかかりました。気休め程度にはなるでしょう。

Stack and tape them up. The assembly was nicely fitted in the steam dome of Stainz.


The control PCB is similar to one used in “Gasoline Car”, but with driver circuit for Remote-controlled Coupler. All components were connected temporarily, and tested successfully. Access to this PCB is not easy once it is installed in the boiler of Stainz. So I will install a programming connector of the micro-controller in the sand box to allow re-programming from outside.


Connection Diagram for Above Setting   上の写真の接続図

Stick insulation tape on the weight to protect the R/C PCB.


R/C PCB is sandwiched by the weight and control PCB.


Super capacitors are installed in the steam dome, and CPU programming connector is installed in the sandbox.


All components nicely fit in the boiler.



inserted by FC2 system