I bought a scanner (Canoscan 8800F) that can scan films. Really scanning films is hard time consuming job I found. I decided to scan in following conditions.

  • 2400dpi for 35mm films
  • 16bit resolution B/W

With these conditions it take about 2 minutes to scan one shot and quality is satisfactory to print on A4. Scanners maximum resolution is 4800dpi, but it is overkill and takes too much time. Surely I can not stand to wait four time longer scan time. The latitude of the scanner with 16 bit resolution is very good. Much better than print paper I used to use.
Photos added from now on will be scanned from the films.

フィルムスキャンのできるスキャナーを買いました。Canoscan 8800Fです。以下の条件でスキャンしています。

  • 2400dpi (35mmフィルム)
  • 16ビット黒白




Scan Gear ってCanonのスキャンソフトはそれにしてもやたらに良く落ちるなー。スキャン中に他のアプリケーションを立ち上げるとほぼ確実に落ちる。困ったもんだ。スキャンに時間がかかるので他の事をしながらついでにしたいんだが、やりにくい。それにコマのスキャンを始めるたびに警告が出てくるのは非常に邪魔くさい。

クラッシュの問題は Scan Gear のせいではなかったようです。 Scan Gear を起動している PhotoStudio ってソフトが糞であったようです。取説では PhotoStudio を使うように書いてありますが、同梱のPhotoShopを使うべきです。PhotoShopからの起動ではいままで一度もクラッシュしていません。それに起動自体もはるかに速い。スキャンをはじめるたびに出てきた警告もなくなりとても快適です。それにPhotoShopとPhotoStudioではソフトのでき自体が比較の対象にもならないな。PhotoShop同梱なのに、どうしてこんなPhotoStudioみたいな糞ソフトを添付しているのか理解できませんね。私はもう二度とPhotoStudioは使わないでしょう。こりごりです。

Dusts are the enemy of scanning. These items are some sort of must for scanning. Right one is blower brush. Left one is anti-static mop. The blower brush is essential to blow off dust from the film.





Anti-static mop is very handy to remove dust that sticks to the scanner itself.










My dog disperses dust all-around. So the fight with the dust is endless.


The condition of films is not as bad as I thought. However, I fond some deteriorations.


I fond some voids on films. I thought they might be bubbles on development process. However I do not think bubbles were commonly found on films before.









This is typical fungus. I worried this most before, but did not find so much. Very rear.


The conditions of B/W films are not so bad, but colour film's conditions are really horrible. Most of them were discoloured and got mould all over the places.


Heavily discoloured. Arrowed parts are all mould.







This is partially discoloured.








Most colour films were heavily damaged. However among them only Kodak positive films developed by first class film developer are almost intact after forty years. Also these good films do not have mould at all.


Appearances of photos in viewers and editors are bit different when the images are enlarged. Editors show pixels as left, but viewers don’t as right. Viewers smooth out the pixels when enlarging the image. When checking the quality of scanning this smoothing process is quite disturbing and may mislead the judgement. So better to use editors.


The scanner has film carriers for 35mm and Brownie sizes and can detect boundaries automatically (sometimes des not work so well). For other types of films cropping of the shots must be done manually.


I used to use this camera this 110 size camera when I could not bring around large cameras.







Obviously the scanner was not supplied a carrier for this size of films. So I had to stick the films by masking tape to scan.






I had to crop the shots manually.








I finished the scanning of my railway photos. The scanned files were counted as more than 3,000! I did not scan all shots. Less than one third was scanned I guess. In total I took more than 10,000 shots. Below shows the all films I scanned.

So I will restructure the “Retro Railway Photo Gallery” by using scanned photos.


ということで、ネタが増えたので全体の構成を見直すことにします。またスキャナーのおまけで付いてきたPhotoShop Elementが使えるのでゴミの修正もするつもりです。PhotoShop使ったのは初めてですが、ごみ取りがすごく楽なのに感激です。


inserted by FC2 system