
  • バッテリーではなくレールから集電。
  • 集電不良対策として電気二重層コンデンサを外部接続(SC+, SC-)
  • 自動開放連結器駆動回路の組み込み。Q3, L3周りの回路。
  • 上記駆動回路にTC1の高速PWMを使ってしまったので、モーターのPWM制御をソフトで処理。


I made this to make Stainz radio controlled. This one is basically similar to former controllers, but includes a driver circuit for remote-controlled un-coupler. Differences from the former project are:

  • Track fed, not battery operation
  • Super capacitors (external) are added to cope with poor power collection
  • Driver circuit (around Q3 and L3) for remote-controlled un-coupler added
  • I used high-speed PWM function of TC1 for un-coupler driver. So PWM control of the motor is done by software.

I made a pretty PCB as this. However I made some mistakes in hole position, etc. and it seems bit nasty now.


実際のプログラムはこちらをご覧ください。 このなかに入ってないInclude ファイルはソフトライブラリからダウンロードできます。

  • PA7(DIR)をONにするたびに停止→前進→停止→後進と切り替わります。
  • PA5(UP)をONにすると加速、加減速度は固定。
  • PA6(DOWN)をONにすると減速。
  • PA4(ES)をONにする3秒間連結器が開放状態になります。
  • また走行中にPA7(DIR)をONにすると非常停止。


Look at here for program source code. Included files can be downloaded from software library.

  • Every time giving “1” to PA7 (DIR) changes the status OFF -> Forward -> OFF -> Reverse.
  • Giving “1” to PA5 (UP) increases the speed and the rate is fixed in program.
  • Giving “1” to PA6 (DOWN) decreases the speed.
  • Giving “1” to PA4 (ES) operates automatic un-coupler for 3 seconds.
  • Giving “1” to PA7 (DIR) while running initiates emergency stop.

I used a “Simplified PLC” program for the logic control. This program is quite useful for automatic operation, etc.



inserted by FC2 system